July 29, 2022

What is "mobile responsiveness"?

We dive into mobile responsive design and why it is so important.

by Thomas, Owner

Why mobile responsiveness is important

Over the past decade we have seen entire generations shifting to mobile devices. We have grown from the viewport size of 320 x 568 to 412 x 869 pixels. Our mobile browsers and technologies are more optimized allowing developers to produce better user experiences for visitors.

Google Consumer Insights - Revisits Image

The 61% stat

"61% of users said that if they didn't find what they were looking for right away on a mobile site, they'd quickly move on to another site"

1,018 Australian adults (aged 25-54) were interviewed by Google in 2012 to determine that statistic.

That was 10 years ago in Australia. How about the new generation of spoiled Americans who grew up on mobile devices? We can safely make the argument that, since then, a lot more than 61% of users will move on if the website is not built for mobile devices.

Google Research - Mobile Load Times Image

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Nowadays, major search engines like Google will prioritize mobile-friendly web applications. The Google Search Console considers non-mobile-friendly web applications as "errors". 


It may seem obvious that a new visitor's experience is enhanced if they can navigate the site on a smaller viewport.

Administrators on the other hand benefit significantly from great design. Imagine you have a business intranet panel containing key processes of your business. You are out of the office when something critical requires your attention. If only your admin panel was mobile responsive so you could pull it up on your phone!

Google/Ipsos - Immediate Information Image


This post will join the rest of the internet's 10 year old blog posts saying the exact same thing verbatim. For those who are new to the internet, this is an increasingly important topic to understand! We hope this helps!


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